SLANK - Cinta


Maaf॥ setelah kau sakiti
Lalu bilang
Maaf.. setelah melukai
Lalu bilang
Maaf.. Setelah menghianati
Lalu bilang
Maaf.. Kau nggak punya otak
Hanya itu yang bisa kau ucapkan maaf..

Sorry.. Sesudah robek hati
Cuma bilang
Sorry.. Sesudah darah tinggi
Cuma bilang
Sorry.. Sesudah jantung mati
Cuma bilang
Sorry.. Kau nggak punya IQ
Hanya itu yang bisa kau ucapkan Sorry..

Intro :

Cinta sehabis semua ini
Masih bilang cinta

Kau gak tau diri
Gak semudah bicara
Kau ucapkan cinta

SLANK - Pandangan Pertama

Pandangan pertama
Awal aku berjumpa
Pandangan pertama
Awal aku berjumpa
Seolah olah hanya
Impian yang berlalu

Sungguh tak sangka
Rasa tak Percaya
Cowok setampan dia
Datang menghampiriku

Hampir hampir aku
Tak sadar di buatnya

Reff I :

Sungguh karena dia
Aku di depan anda
Memberanikan diri
Bergaya dan bernyanyi
Owww hoba…goyang neng….

Back to : (*) (**)

Hampir hampir aku
Tak sadar di buatnya

Reff II :

Memang kecantikanya…(Oh masa sih)
Dan kelembutan hatinya…(uu.. Cayang cayang)
Membuat aku berani…(Hayo kamu bisa)
Menghadapi dunia…(Mmm..muuac…)

Back to : (*)

THE RAIN - Terlalu Indah

Kita harus menerima bahwa
Memang tak ada kisah yang sempurna
Seperti yang slalu di impikan
Dan mimpi tak slalu jadi kenyataan

Ada awal dan ada akhirnya
Yang mungkin tak dapat terurai semua
Ada duka ada bahagia
Yang mungkin tak akan pernah
Akan dapat terlupa
Dan hatiku berkata

Reff :

Selamat jalan kekasih
Manis yang berujung perih
Kisah yang sungguh terlalu indah

Kini semua berakhir sudah
Selamat jalan kekasih
Walau teramat sangat perih
Namun aku pasti coba
Untuk jalani ini semua

Back to : Reff

Untuk jalani ini semua

THE RAIN - Cinta Terpendam

Kadang aku bertanya
Tanya dalam hati
Apa aku sebodoh itu
Tak juga menyadari
Semua yang ku rasakan
Ku rasakan padamu

Pernah aku berfikir
Untuk nyatakan saja
Tak perdulikan semua
Tapi lidahku keluh
Setiap kau berada
Tepat di hadapanku

Reff :

Perasaan yang ku pendam padamu
Lebih dalam dari yang engkau tahu
Jika kau mau membuka pintu hatimu
Percayalah nanti kau pasti akan tahu

Seluruh waktu yang ku bagi denganmu
Sungguh indah dan berarti bagiku
Aku masih berharap kau akan mengerti
Aku ada di sini untuk kau miliki

Intro :

Pernah aku berfikir
Untuk nyatakan saja
Tak perdulikan semua
Tapi lidahku keluh
Setiap kau bertanya (kamu kenapa)..

NAFF - Akhirnya Ku Menemukanmu

Akhirnya ku menemukanmu
Saat hati ini mulai merapuh
Akhirnya ku menemukanmu
Saat raga ini ingin berlabuh

Ku berharap engkaulah
Jawaban sgala risau hatiku
Dan biarkan diriku
Mencintaimu hingga ujung usiaku

Reff :

Jika nanti ku sanding dirimu
Miliki aku dengan segala kelemahanku
Dan bila nanti engkau di sampingku
Jangan pernah letih tuk mencintaiku

Akhirnya ku menemukanmu
Saat hati ini mulai merapuh

Back to : (*)
Back to : Reff

NAFF - Kau Masih Kekasihku

Jauh di lubuk hatiku
Masih terukir namamu
Jauh di dasar jiwaku
Engkau masih kekasihku

Tak bisa kutahan laju angin..
Untuk semua kenangan yang berlalu
Hembuskan sepi..merobek hati

Meski raga ini tak lagi milikmu
Namun di dalam hatiku sungguh engkau hidup
Hingga sampai kapan
Ku tahankan rasa cinta ini

Reff :

Jauh di lubuk hatiku
Masih terukir namamu
Jauh di dasar jiwaku
Engkau masih kekasihku

Dan ku berharap semua ini
Bukanlah seperti kekeliruan yang ku kira
Seumur hidupku
Akan menjadi doa untukmu

Chorus :

Andai saja waktu bisa… (terulang kembali)
Akan ku serahkan hidupku… (di sisimu)
Namun ku tahu itu kakkan mungkin
Rasa ini menyiksaku
Sunguh sungguh menyiksaku…


Jauh di lubuk hatiku
Masih terukir namamu
Jauh di dasar jiwaku
Engkau masih kekasihku
Kau masih kekasihku… (4x)

NAFF - Ketika Semuanya Harus Berakhir

Ketika semuanya harus berakhir
Ketika pelukku tak lagi berarti

Kau memilih tuk akhiri kisah ini
Kau hempaskan aku tak berdaya
Telah ku berikan yang mampu ku beri
Namun tak jua puaskan hatimu

Reff :

Aku takkan pernah jadi sempurna
Seperti yang kau pinta
Aku takkan bisa mesti telah ku coba


Back to : Reff (2x)

NAFF - Bila Aku Pulang

Sambut aku dengan senyummu
Bila aku pulang
Peluk aku usap peluhku
Ringankan beban di pundakku

Bridge :

Telah jauh ku berjalan
Mengarungi sang waktu
Hanya untukmu

Coba ku petik bintang
Lalu ku bawa pulang
Itu hanya untukmu

Sambut aku dengan cintamu
Saat aku pulang
Sentuh aku basuh perihku
Hilangkan letih di tubuhku

Reff :

Ku ingin kau jadi tempat
Di mana aku bersandar dari penat letihku
Ku ingin kau jadi tempat
Di mana aku berhenti tuk tenangkan jiwaku………

Back to : Bridge
Back to : Reff

JULIETTE - Lagi Terluka

Wahai bulan tolonglah aku
Hatiku ini sedang rapuh
Karena kekasihku telah pergi
Meninggalkan diriku

Angin angin bawalah aku
Kemana pun tempat yang kau mau
Agar aku bisa lupakan
Dia yang ku cintai

Bintang bintang
Hati ini mengapa harus terjatuh

Reff :

Lagi lagi ku terluka
Karena tergores cinta
Karena kau lakukan ini
Lagi lagi dan lagi
Semuanya pun berubah
Menjadi racun di dada

Jera aku mencinta lagi dan lagi
Patah hatiku kali ini
Menusuk hatiku yang terdalam

Back to : Reff

Wahai bulan tolonglah aku
Hatiku ini sedang rapuh
Karena kekasihku telah pergi
Meninggalkan diriku

Wahai angin bawalah aku
Kemana pun tempat yang kau mau
Agar aku bisa lupakan dia yang kucintai
Wahai angin tolonglah aku..

JULIETTE - Masih Seperti Dulu

Bukan rayuan belaka
Bila kau yang ku cinta
Selagi jiwa masih bernafas takkan mungkin
Terhenti cinta ini
Aku adalah langitmu
Dan kau adalah bintangku

Dimana saja bayangmu ada
Terdiam dalam ragaku

Reff : (*)

Ku masih seperti dulu
Masih saja menunggu mu
Jangan engkau meragukan cintaku

Jangan dengarkan mereka
Yang tak ingin kita bersama
Yakinkan aku satu cintamu
Selalu saja untukmu

Reff : (**)

Ku masih seperti dulu
Masih saja menunggu mu
Tak perlu kau meragukan cintaku
Kemanapun aku pergi
Cintamu selalu di hati
Jangan pernah kau ragukan cintaku

TAHTA - Aku Masih Di Sini

Tahta - Tempat Yang Paling Indah

Bungkamlah mulutku
Ketika kau tahu ku mulai banyak bicara
Tentang kita
Ku tahu ku rindu
Biarkan saja aku
Terus mengagumimu dan simpan cerita
Tentangmu kau jauh dariku

Biasanya sepi menemaniku
Takkan hilang sampai kau kembali ke sini

Reff :

Aku masih di sini…aku menunggumu
Sampai kau kembali aku tetap begini
Aku masih di sini…aku menunggumu
Sampai kau kembali bungkamlah mulutku

Ketika kau tahu ku mulai banyak bicara
Tentang kita
Ku tahu ku rindu
Biarkan saja aku
Terus mengagumimu dan miliki semua
Darimu…kau jauh dariku

Back to : Reff

Aku masih di sini…aku menunggumu
Sampai kau kembali
Aku tetap begini tetap begini

TAHTA - Tempat Yang Paling Indah

Aku…ku terlalu mencintaimu
Terlebih ku menggilaimu
Salahkah ku
Hingga ku tak tahu arah hidupku
Ku telah uta karenamu
Tolong aku

Ku lelaki yang tak bisa menangis
Apa yang harus ku lakukan

Aku…ku begitu mengiginkanmu
Takkan mampu hidup tanpamu
Hingga ku ingin kau genggam hatiku
Dan dekatkan pada hatimu
Tolong aku

Reff :

Bila kau menjadi milikku
Kan ku relakan semua sisa hidupku
Kan ku jadikan kau ratuku
Di tempat yang paling indah
Di tempat yang paling indah
Di hidupku


Bila kau menjadi milikku
Kan ku relakan semua sisa hidupku
Kan ku jadikan kau ratuku
Di tempat yang paling indah
Di hidupku

KANGEN BAND - Tentang Bintang

Malam tlah berganti
Ku lihat sempurna bentuk bulan
Bintang kian merentang
Rasakan indah lukisan malam

Aku tlah mencoba
Untuk slalu tegar menunggumu
Ceritakan tentang
Satu bintang yang slalu ku sayang

Maafkanlah sayang
Malam ini ku tak bisa datang
Karena ku mengerti
Memang tak pantas kau dicintai

Kau masa laluku
Bolehkah aku pinjam jasadmu
Saat ku bertandang
Dapatkah engkau menimbang rasa

Reff :

Mungkin sampai nanti akankah terus begini
Mungkin sampai nanti engkau takkan ku miliki
Mungkin sampai nanti rambutku kusam memutih
Mungkin sampai nanti engkau tetap sahabatku

Lama ku tahan perasaanku tak berdaya
Di sini aku menunggumu terluka
Apa dikata perasaan kau tak teraba
Sekarang kau pilih aku atau dia


Maafkanlah sayang
Malam ini ku tak bisa datang
Karena ku mengerti
Memang tak pantas kau dicintai

Kau masa laluku
Bolehkah aku pinjam jasadmu
Saat ku bertandang
Dapatkah engkau menimbang rasa

Back to : Reff (2x)

KANGEN BAND - Tentang Aku Kau Dan Dia

Selayaknya engkau tahu
Betapa ku mencintaimu
Kau terangkanku
Dari mimpi burukku

Selayaknya kau mengerti
Betapa engkau ku kagumi
Kau telah tinggal
Di dalam palung hati

Betapa hancur hatiku
Melihat engkau bersamanya
Namun ku mencoba
Tegar menghadapinya

Jangan kau menangis kagi
Tak sanggup aku melihatnya
Sekarang kau pilih
Diriku atau dirinya

Reff :

Ku tuliskan cerita tentang engkau dan dia
Membuat hatiku smakin terluka
Sudah usai sudah cerita engkau dan aku
Ku anggap sebagai bingkisan kalbu

Ku tulis cerita tentang aku dan dia
Sehingga membuatmu terluka
Sudah usai sudah jangan menangis lagi
Kurasa sampailah di sini

Back to : Reff

Ku tulis cerita tentang aku dan dia
Sehingga membuatmu terluka
Sudah usai sudah jangan menangis lagi
Kurasa sampailah di sini

KANGEN BAND - Penantian Yang Tertunda

Kumohon kau mengerti
Cobalah kau tabahkan hati
Mungkin di saat ini
Cinta kita sedang di uji

Tegarkanlah hatimu
Oleh siksa orang tuamu
Kuyakin kita mampu
Bila kita saling menunggu

Saat kita melangkah
Dandani sayap cinta yang patah
Ku yakin engkau setia
Untuk selama-lamanya

Ku yakin engkau bidadari dalam tidurku
Ku yakin engkau bidadari yang pantas aku tunggu
Ku yakin engkau hadir dalam mimpi indahku
Kau yang terbaik bagiku dan nomor satu

Reff :

Ku kan slalu tetap menunggu
Walau sebagai simpanan
Ku kan slalu tetap menanti
Walau engkau takkan ku miliki

Ku kan slalu tetap menunggu
Walau hanya kekasih gelapmu
Ku kan slalu tetap menanti
Hingga saat nafasku terhenti

JULIETTE - Masih Seperti Dulu

Bukan rayuan belaka
Bila kau yang ku cinta
Selagi jiwa masih bernafas takkan mungkin
Terhenti cinta ini
Aku adalah langitmu
Dan kau adalah bintangku

Dimana saja bayangmu ada
Terdiam dalam ragaku

Reff : (*)

Ku masih seperti dulu
Masih saja menunggu mu
Jangan engkau meragukan cintaku

Jangan dengarkan mereka
Yang tak ingin kita bersama
Yakinkan aku satu cintamu
Selalu saja untukmu

Reff : (**)

Ku masih seperti dulu
Masih saja menunggu mu
Tak perlu kau meragukan cintaku
Kemanapun aku pergi
Cintamu selalu di hati
Jangan pernah kau ragukan cintaku

TAHTA - Aku Masih Di Sini

Bungkamlah mulutku
Ketika kau tahu ku mulai banyak bicara
Tentang kita
Ku tahu ku rindu
Biarkan saja aku
Terus mengagumimu dan simpan cerita
Tentangmu kau jauh dariku

Biasanya sepi menemaniku
Takkan hilang sampai kau kembali ke sini

Reff :

Aku masih di sini…aku menunggumu
Sampai kau kembali aku tetap begini
Aku masih di sini…aku menunggumu
Sampai kau kembali bungkamlah mulutku

Ketika kau tahu ku mulai banyak bicara
Tentang kita
Ku tahu ku rindu
Biarkan saja aku
Terus mengagumimu dan miliki semua
Darimu…kau jauh dariku

Back to : Reff

Aku masih di sini…aku menunggumu
Sampai kau kembali
Aku tetap begini tetap begini

TAHTA - Tempat Yang Paling Indah

Aku…ku terlalu mencintaimu
Terlebih ku menggilaimu
Salahkah ku
Hingga ku tak tahu arah hidupku
Ku telah uta karenamu
Tolong aku

Ku lelaki yang tak bisa menangis
Apa yang harus ku lakukan

Aku…ku begitu mengiginkanmu
Takkan mampu hidup tanpamu
Hingga ku ingin kau genggam hatiku
Dan dekatkan pada hatimu
Tolong aku

Reff :

Bila kau menjadi milikku
Kan ku relakan semua sisa hidupku
Kan ku jadikan kau ratuku
Di tempat yang paling indah
Di tempat yang paling indah
Di hidupku


Bila kau menjadi milikku
Kan ku relakan semua sisa hidupku
Kan ku jadikan kau ratuku
Di tempat yang paling indah
Di hidupku

KANGEN BAND - Tentang Bintang

Malam tlah berganti
Ku lihat sempurna bentuk bulan
Bintang kian merentang
Rasakan indah lukisan malam

Aku tlah mencoba
Untuk slalu tegar menunggumu
Ceritakan tentang
Satu bintang yang slalu ku sayang

Maafkanlah sayang
Malam ini ku tak bisa datang
Karena ku mengerti
Memang tak pantas kau dicintai

Kau masa laluku
Bolehkah aku pinjam jasadmu
Saat ku bertandang
Dapatkah engkau menimbang rasa

Reff :

Mungkin sampai nanti akankah terus begini
Mungkin sampai nanti engkau takkan ku miliki
Mungkin sampai nanti rambutku kusam memutih
Mungkin sampai nanti engkau tetap sahabatku

Lama ku tahan perasaanku tak berdaya
Di sini aku menunggumu terluka
Apa dikata perasaan kau tak teraba
Sekarang kau pilih aku atau dia


Maafkanlah sayang
Malam ini ku tak bisa datang
Karena ku mengerti
Memang tak pantas kau dicintai

Kau masa laluku
Bolehkah aku pinjam jasadmu
Saat ku bertandang
Dapatkah engkau menimbang rasa

Back to : Reff (2x)

KANGEN BAND - Tentang Aku Kau Dan Dia

Selayaknya engkau tahu
Betapa ku mencintaimu
Kau terangkanku
Dari mimpi burukku

Selayaknya kau mengerti
Betapa engkau ku kagumi
Kau telah tinggal
Di dalam palung hati

Betapa hancur hatiku
Melihat engkau bersamanya
Namun ku mencoba
Tegar menghadapinya

Jangan kau menangis kagi
Tak sanggup aku melihatnya
Sekarang kau pilih
Diriku atau dirinya

Reff :

Ku tuliskan cerita tentang engkau dan dia
Membuat hatiku smakin terluka
Sudah usai sudah cerita engkau dan aku
Ku anggap sebagai bingkisan kalbu

Ku tulis cerita tentang aku dan dia
Sehingga membuatmu terluka
Sudah usai sudah jangan menangis lagi
Kurasa sampailah di sini

Back to : Reff

Ku tulis cerita tentang aku dan dia
Sehingga membuatmu terluka
Sudah usai sudah jangan menangis lagi
Kurasa sampailah di sini

KANGEN BAND - Penantian Yang Tertunda

Kumohon kau mengerti
Cobalah kau tabahkan hati
Mungkin di saat ini
Cinta kita sedang di uji

Tegarkanlah hatimu
Oleh siksa orang tuamu
Kuyakin kita mampu
Bila kita saling menunggu

Saat kita melangkah
Dandani sayap cinta yang patah
Ku yakin engkau setia
Untuk selama-lamanya

Ku yakin engkau bidadari dalam tidurku
Ku yakin engkau bidadari yang pantas aku tunggu
Ku yakin engkau hadir dalam mimpi indahku
Kau yang terbaik bagiku dan nomor satu

Reff :

Ku kan slalu tetap menunggu
Walau sebagai simpanan
Ku kan slalu tetap menanti
Walau engkau takkan ku miliki

Ku kan slalu tetap menunggu
Walau hanya kekasih gelapmu
Ku kan slalu tetap menanti
Hingga saat nafasku terhenti

Ungu - Para Pencari Mu


Menjalani hitam putih hidupku
Membuatku mengerti
Arti hadirmu dalam setiap langkah-langkah
Ku berarti

Melewati setiap detik waktuku
Bersama takdir
Membuatku mengerti hanyalah pada Mu
Ku kembali

Ku bersujud kepadamu
Memohon ampunan mu
Adakah jalan untukku
Tuk kembali padamu

Reff :

Akulah para pencarimu Mu yaa.. Allah
Akulah yang merindukanmu yaa.. Robbii
Tunjukan ku jalan yang lurus
Untukku tapakkan langkahku

Akulah para pencarimu Mu yaa.. Allah
Akulah yang merindukanmu yaa..Robbii
Hanya di tangan Mu yaa..Allah
Tempatku pasrahkan hidupku

Back to : (#)
Back to : Reff

Ungu - Sesungguhnya

Saat dunia berhenti berputar
Saat manusia tak sanggup lagi berharap
Ketika mentari tak sanggup lagi berjanji
Menyinari dunia yang tlah kau singgahi

Mampukah kau ta' untuk berbagi
Tanpa hasrat ingin di beri
Di hadapannya..di hadapanmu
Ya Allah..

Reff :

Sesungguhnya manusia takkan bisa
Menikmati surga
Tanpa ikhlas di hatinya

Sesungguhnya manusia takkan bisa
Menyentuh nikmatnya
Tanpa tulus di hatinya

Back to : (#)
Back to : Reff (2X)


Ungu - Saat Indah Bersamamu

Saat indah yg kulalui bersamamu
Melukiskan kisah cinta di dalam lubuk hati
Terbuai nafas cinta yg kau hembuskan
Sampai mati pun ku takkan bisa melupakanmu

Dan bila waktuku akan mungkin penuhi janji itu
Ku serahkan padamu apapun yg ku mampu

Reff :

Harus kuakui aku sayang kamu
Aku cinta kamu, oh hanya pada dirimu
Ku ingin kau mampu terima hatiku
Terima akan cintaku

Saat indah yg kulalui bersamamu
Melukiskan kisah cinta di dalam lubuk hati

Back to : (#)
Back to : Reff

Satu rasa yg haus menyentuh bayangmu
Menyisakan semua yg kurasa

Back to : Reff

Peterpan - Hari Yang Cerah Untuk Jiwa Yang Sepi

peterpan now

Pagi biar kusendiri
Jangan kau mendekat
Wahai matahari
Dingin hati yang bersedih
Tak begitu tenang mulai terabaikan

Hari yang cerah untuk jiwa yang sepi
Begitu terang untuk cinta yang mati
Ah... ku coba bertahan dan tak bisa


Biru langit kelabuku
Tak begitu luas seperti memudar
Kini tak terulang lagi
Di hari yang cerah dia telah pergi

Hari yang cerah untuk jiwa yang sepi
Ahh... ku coba bertahan dan tak bisa
Ahh... mencoba melawan ku lepas
Hari yang cerah untuk jiwa yang sepi...
Begitu terang untuk jiwa yang mati

Hari yang cerah untuk jiwa yang sepi
Ahh... ku coba bertahan dan tak bisa
Ahh... mencoba melawan ku lepas
Semua telah hilang ....
Semua telah ....

Padi - Belum Terlambat


Belumlah terlambat untuk mengerti
Dan belum terlambat untuk
Menumbuhkan cintaku

Di pangkuan hati titian hudupku
Tak pernah ku tahu ada sesuatu
Di dalam jiwamu membahagiakan dirimu

Betapa ku sungguh tak menyadari itu
Apakah cinta yang membahagiakanmu
Sesuatu yang ingin ku miliki

Reff :

Belumlah terlambat untuk mengerti
Dan belum terlambat untuk
Menumbuhkan cintaku
Selama hidup sepanjang usiaku
Tak sekalipun pernah ku menyentuh wujudnya

Membayangkan itu aku pun mencoba
Mengerti sedikit tentang perasaan itu
Pernah terkabutkan oleh pilu kepedihan
Mungkin aku salah mengartikan itu semua

Back to : Reff

Apakah cinta yang membahagiakanmu
Sesuatu yang ingin ku miliki

Padi - Sang Penghibur

Setiap perkataan yang menjatuhkan
Tak lagi ku dengar dengan sungguh
Juga tutur kata yang mencela
Tak lagi ku cerna dalam jiwa

Aku bukanlah seorang yang mengerti
tentang kelihaian membaca hati
Ku hanya pemimpi kecil yang berangan
Tak merubah nasibnya

Reff :

Oh..bukankah ku pernah melihat bintang
Senyum menghiasi sang malam
Yang berkilau bagai permata
Menghibur yang lelah jiwanya
Yang sedih hatinya..
Yang lelah jiwanya..
Yang sedih hatinya..


Ku gerakan langkah kaki
Dimana cinta akan bertumpu
Ku layangkan jauh mata memandang
Tuk melanjutkan mimpi yang terputus

Masih ku coba tuk mengejar rinduku
Meski peluh membasahi tanah
Lelah penat tak menghalangiku
Menemukan bahagia..heeii..

Back to : Reff

Oh..bukankah ku pernah melihat bintang
Senyum menghiasi sang malam
Yang berkilau bagai permata
Menghibur yang lelah jiwanya

Bukankah hidup ada perhentian
Tak harus kencang terus berlari
Ku helakan nafas panjang
Tuk siap berlari kembali
Berlari kembali..
Melangkahkan kaki..
Menuju cahaya..

Bagai bintang yang bersinar
Menghibur yang lelah jiwanya
Bagai bintang yang berpijar
Menghibur yang sedih hatinya

Letto - Permintaan Hati

Terbuai aku hilang terjatuh aku dalam
Keindahan penantian

Terucap keraguan hati yang bimbang
Yang terhalang kepastian cinta

Aku hilang
Aku hilang

Tersabut kabut malam terbiasnya harapan
Yang tersimpan sejuta bertuan
Terasa kerinduan hati yang bimbang
Yang terhempas kepastian cinta

Reff :

Dengarkanlah permintaan hati yang teraniaya sunyi
Dan berikanlah arti pada hidupku
Yang terhempas yang terlepas
Pelukanmu bersamamu dan tanpamu aku hilang selalu

Aku hilang
Aku hilang

Tersabut kabut malam terbiasnya harapan
Yang tersimpan sejuta bertuan
Terasa kerinduan hati yang bimbang
Yang terhempas kepastian cinta

Back to : Reff

KANGEN BAND - Selingkuh

Pacarku sayangilah aku
Seperti ku menyayangimu
Pacarku cintailah aku
Seperti aku cinta kamu
Tapi kamu kok selingkuh (2X)

Pacarku mengertilah aku
Seperti aku ngerti kamu
Dan pacarku pahamilah aku
Seperti ku memahamimu
Tapi kamu kok selingkuh (2X)

Reff :

Andaikan bulan..andaikan bintang
Dapat bicara
Tentu dia kan tahu yang sesungguhnya

Andaikan bulan..andaikan bintang
Mereka saling berbisik
Tentu cinta kita takkan terusik

Back to : (#)
Back to : Reff


pussycat dolls

Everybody listen all over the world
I got a story 'bout my favorite girl (Wait a minute)

Oh, my baby sexy for sure
I had to have him when he walked through the door (Wait a minute)

She was 'bout to drive me insane
She come with drama while I'm giving her chains (Wait a minute)

I'm focused but I'm losing control
He only wants me for my body and soul (Wait a minute)

Girl, why you do me like that?
You take all my money
Can't even call a player back (Wait a minute)
Boy, why you tripping like that?
You think 'cause you tricking you get it just like that? (Wait a minute)

Minding my business, I was doing my dance
Got my attention, so I gave him a chance (Wait a minute)
Did I mention he was buying a bar?
Gave him my number, he was trying so hard (Wait a minute)
Bought me some things I didn't want, didn't need
Dropped down his jeans like I'm supposed to drop to my knees (Wait a minute)
He been blowing up my phone like he know me
Been leaving messages "You know what you owe me" (Wait a minute)

Girl, why you do me like that?
You take all my money
Can't even call a player back (Wait a minute)
Boy, why you tripping like that?
You think 'cause you tricking you get it just like that? (Wait a minute)
Girl, why you do me like that?
You take all my money
Can't even call a player back (Wait a minute)
Boy, why you tripping like that?
You think 'cause you tricking you get it just like that? (Wait a minute)

What is your problem daddy?
Slow your roll
Who you think you jiving?
You're disturbing my flow (Wait a minute)
Why you be bugging?
Like I'm some kind of hoe
Got no more questions now I want you to go
So break (Break)

Hey, let me talk to you for a minute
Shut up...shut up

I love the way you strut
Girl, you already know
But, I'm feeling like you don't want me
You just after my dough

Baby, please, I'm fine
I'm not one of these hoes
Chasing dreams not diamond rings
So don't call me no more
(Wait a minute)

Girl, why you do me like that?
You take all my money
Can't even call a player back (Wait a minute)
Boy, why you tripping like that?
You think 'cause you tricking you get it just like that? (Wait a minute)
Girl, why you do me like that?
You take all my money
Can't even call a player back (Wait a minute)
Boy, why you tripping like that?
You think 'cause you tricking you get it just like that? (Wait a minute)

See, I don't want your money
Yeah, I seen you rolling up here
In your cadillac
But, I don't need all that
It is a nice color though
(Wait a minute)

What they call you, Mr. Tin man or something?
See, I don't want your cars
I don't want your jewelry
You can't buy this
So you can keep that
Wait a minute...
Uh yeah, you can give me that back

Taylor Hicks - Do I Make You Proud

I've never been the one to raise my hand,
That was not me and now that's who I am

Because of you I am standing tall,
My heart is full of endless gratitude,
You were the one, the one to guide me through,
Now I can see and I believe it's only just beginning


This what we dream about
but the only question with me now
Is do I make you proud
Stronger than I've ever been NOW
Never been afraid of standing out
But do I make you proud

I guess I've learned, to question is to grow
That you still have faith, is all I need to know
I've learned to love, myself in spite of me
And I've learned to walk, the road that I believe

This what we dream about
but the only question with me now
Is do I make you proud
Stronger than I've ever been NOW
Never been afraid of standing out
But do I make you proud

Everybody needs to rise up
Everybody needs to be loved, to be loved

Chorus (3x)

This what we dream about
but the only question with me now
Is do I make you proud
Stronger than I've ever been NOW
Never been afraid of standing out
But do I make you proud

Shawnna - Gettin' Some

I was gettin some head
Gettin gettin some head
I was gettin some head
Gettin gettin some head
I was gettin some head
Gettin gettin some head
I was wit the kinda girl dat make yo toes curl

I was gettin some head (DTP hustle)
Gettin gettin some head (DTP hustle)
I was gettin some head (DTP hustle)
Gettin gettin some head (DTP hustle)
I was gettin some head (DTP hustle)
Gettin gettin some head (DTP hustle)
I was wit the kinda girl dat make yo toes curl

You know u nigga want a bitch like me
Diamond wit the white beader rockin nikes
Niggas in the hood wanna call her wifey
If u got a pretty dolla then i probly might be
U niggas popin collars y yo bitches pop ps
Im gon do this for my riders that get down and pop e
Think u can pop me man u need to stop please
See me flyin throu yo hood in a drop top v
Im in the pop top three
And ma pops got gs
Say the watch got chilly
And the rocks got freeze
And u broads ack silly
Tryna jack my steam
U slipin and im pimpin and yo boy chose me
And now he hollin hey lil mama can u give me a sip
Tryna lick somethin somethin bout as big a yo leg
Dis nigga yawn while he talkin so i knew he was red
And bout six in the mornin he forgot wat he said and i was

I was gettin some head
Gettin gettin some head
I was gettin some head
Gettin gettin some head
I was gettin some head
Gettin gettin some head
I was wit the kinda girl dat make yo toes curl

U know i keep like 4 5 woofers in the trunk
And i turn it to the max so u can feel it when it bump
When u go to DTP we give the people what they want
And when i come to hustle man u know we aint no punk
And you catch me in the town we blowin dro and gettin drunk
And when we hit the party man u know we keep it crunk
Yo nigga actin tuff he on the flo and gettin stomped
Dont act like u aint know now tell yo hoe to pass the blunt
You bitches wanna be me cause u know that im the shit
You se me on the tv cause i roll wit ludacris
Dont hate shawnna baby just be mad at who u wit (who u wit)
I keep a couple handles so u know im to legit (to legit)
Just so u understand it so u know im bout that bread (im bout that bread)
And dont you try to play me for no joke about my cash (about my cash)
Before i get the tip i get the heat up out the stash (up out the stash)
I hit em on the lo and shawty this is wat he said (wat he said)

I was gettin some head
Gettin gettin some head
I was gettin some head
Gettin gettin some head
I was gettin some head
Gettin gettin some head
I was wit the kinda girl dat make yo toes curl

Shareefa (feat. Ludacris) - I Need A Boss

This that new fire man!
Disturbing Tha Peace!
Here's another one
I told 'em we just gettin started man
Ay yo I don't think they really understand what this is
Bring that back!
Ay, Shareefa where you at baby?
Let's go!

Verse 1
Come wit it, need somebody that's real gansta
Ain't a toy soldier, a real gangsta
Playa, holdin' me down like an anchor
I need a pappi, somebody I call daddy
Hustla, any hood he's a boss-a
Trapper, under the rugs he got stacks-a
Never see movies, don't like them actors
That's just what I go after
That's what I need

I be lookin'
Cuz all these fakes thugs is tryna press up
I need a boss like (hey!)
Who's flossin like (hey!)
Tossin' dough (hey!)
You know that he'll (pay!)
I be lookin'
Cuz all these fake thugs is tryna press up
I need a boss like (hey!)
Who's flossin like (hey!)
Tossin' dough like (hey!)
That drives me crazy!

Hey yo Darkchild, bring that back!

Verse 2
Stop it, anything I want I cop it
I just want somebody to get fly wit
I got what I need, but can you top it?
Yes I'm a hot chick, somebody you can ride wit
Got hips, all the boys want me to drop it
So thick, niggas be buggin, I own it
I may be young, but I know what I want
If you show me baby, you can get on
So come on

That's just one of the things I need
Only one I'm pleasing is me
Unpredictable, yeah that's me
I can't help it, that's so sexy

I be lookin'
Cuz all these fakes thugs is tryna press up
I need a boss like (hey!)
Who's flossin like (hey!)
Tossin' dough (hey!)
You know that he'll (pay!)
I be lookin'
Cuz all these fake thugs is tryna press up
I need a boss like (hey!)
Who's flossin like (hey!)
Tossin' dough like (hey!)
That drives me crazy!

I'm the number one hustler of the century
S-s-see me in your dreams
I'm the boss of all bosses
K-k-king of all kings
I'm your favorite rapper's idol
I been had the title
Call me hot 16 wit more verses than the Bible
15 bank accounts, 10 different businesses
5 different lawyers, tell 'em what the business is
I live down the block, was raised up the street
Want beef? I'll do like summertime and raise up the heat
I'm the leader of the pack, plus I'm still in the slums
Man I was bulit Ford tough, I'm as real as they come
But fake thugs love to hate, some punks be ice grillin' me
Cuz I g-g-got assets, no liabilities
Now to infinity, grown women be feelin' me
And they ain't got nothin' to lose but they virginity
Still the Lova Lova, so give me a couple rubbers
I'll get 'em in a room, and Luda will make 'em studder like..

I be lookin'
Cuz all these fakes thugs is tryna press up
I need a boss like (hey!)
Who's flossin like (hey!)
Tossin' dough (hey!)
You know that he'll (pay!)
I be lookin'
Cuz all these fake thugs is tryna press up
I need a boss like (hey!)
Who's flossin like (hey!)
Tossin' dough like (hey!)
That drives me crazy!

Savage - Swing

[ Chorus ]
Oh shit, shake that ass ma, move it like a gypsy
Stop, woah, back it up, now let me see your hips SWING
Stop, woah, back it up, now let me see your hips SWING
Now drop it looooow and let me see your hips SWING
Down to the floooor now let me see your hips SWING
Down to the floooor now let me see your hips SWING

Verse 1
Uh oh, lean back, girl you got some mean racks
You got a mean ass and I really mean that
But can't you see, that I need a girl, that can move
Make her hips SWING - and - look - just like you
But come to think about it, I think this club is crowded
It's kinda hard to do your thing when everyone's surrounding
So let me form a circle everybody step back
I heard somebody yell "Savage where the chorus at?!"

[ Chorus ]
Oh shit, shake that ass ma, move it like a gypsy
Stop, woah, back it up, now let me see your hips SWING
Stop, woah, back it up, now let me see your hips SWING
Now drop it looooow and let me see your hips SWING
Down to the floooor now let me see your hips SWING
Down to the floooor now let me see your hips SWING

Verse 2
Uh oh, let it pop, ladies drop it like it's hot
Hell yeah, that's the spot, now bring it back to the top
Stop! Woah, now back it up, now back it up
Let it rise then watch it dump, shaking your junk in the trunk
And - I - like - the way you move it smoothly
Now why - don't - you move that booty - to - me
I'm tryna come up with some thoughts of attack,
until I heard somebody yellin' out "Savage where the chorus at?!"

[ Chorus ]
Oh shit, shake that ass ma, move it like a gypsy
Stop, woah, back it up, now let me see your hips SWING
Stop, woah, back it up, now let me see your hips SWING
Now drop it looooow and let me see your hips SWING
Down to the floooor now let me see your hips SWING
Down to the floooor now let me see your hips SWING

Bridge x2
Knees bent, ass out, come on push your ass out
(Let me see your hips swing)
Bring it up then back down, bring it up then back down
(Let me see your hips swing)
All my ladies on the floor, all my ladies on the floor
(Let me see your hips swing)
Pick it up then dip it low, pick it up then dip it low
(Let me see your hips swing)

[ Chorus ]
Oh shit, shake that ass ma, move it like a gypsy
Stop, woah, back it up, now let me see your hips SWING
Stop, woah, back it up, now let me see your hips SWING
Now drop it looooow and let me see your hips SWING
Down to the floooor now let me see your hips SWING
Down to the floooor now let me see your hips SWING

Rihanna - Unfaithful

Story of my life
Searching for the right
But it keeps avoiding me
Sorrow in my soul
cause it seems that wrong
really loves my company

Hes more than a man
and this is more than love
the reason that this guy is blue
the clouds are rolling in
because I'm gone again
and to him I just can't be true

and I know that he knows I'm unfaithful
and it kills him inside
to know that I am happy with some other guy
I can see him dying

I don't wanna do this anymore
I don't wanna be the reason why
Everytime I walk out the door
I see him die a little more inside
I don't wanna hurt him anymore
I don't wanna take away his life
I don't wanna be...
a murderer

I feel it in the air
as I'm doing my hair
preparing for another day
A kiss up on my cheek
He's here reluctantly
as if I'm gonna be out late
I say I won't be long
Just hanging with the girls
A liar didn't have to tell
Because we both know
where I'm about to go
and we know it very well

cause I know that he knows I'm unfaithful
and it kills him inside
to know that I am happy with some other guy
I can see him dying

I don't wanna do this anymore
I don't wanna be the reason why
Everytime I walk out the door
I see him die a little more inside
I don't wanna hurt him anymore
I don't wanna take away his life
I don't wanna be...
a murderer

His trust
I might as well take a gun and put it to his head
Get it over with
I don't wanna do this
Anymore (anymore)

I don't wanna do this anymore
I don't wanna be the reason why
Everytime I walk out the door
I see him die a little more inside
I don't wanna hurt him anymore
I don't wanna take away his life
I don't wanna be...
a murderer (a murderer)

No no no no

Yeah yeah yeah

Pink - Who Knew

you took my hand
you showed me how
you promised me you'd be around
uh huh
that's right
i took your words
and i believed
in everything
you said to me
yeah huh
that's right

if someone said three years from now
you'd be long gone
i'd stand up and punch them up
cause they're all wrong
i know better
cause you said forever
and ever
who knew

remember when we were such fools
and so convinced and just too cool
oh no
no no
i wish i could touch you again
i wish i could still call you friend
i'd give anything

when someone said count your blessings now
for they're long gone
i guess i just didn't know how
i was all wrong
they knew better
still you said forever
and ever
who knew

yeah yeah
i'll keep you locked in my head
until we meet again
until we
until we meet again
and i won't forget you my friend
what happened

if someone said three years from now
you'd be long gone
i'd stand up and punch them out
cause they're all wrong and
that last kiss
i'll cherish
until we meet again
and time makes
it harder
i wish i could remember
but i keep
your memory
you visit me in my sleep
my darling
who knew
my darling
my darling
who knew
my darling
i miss you
my darling
who knew
who knew

LL Cool J - Control Myself

(Jennifer Lopez)
No Me Puedo Controlar Aqui Con El SeƱor LL Cool J
Y Aqui Estoi...
1 , 2 , 3 Muevete !!

The club was far from empty
It was crowded at the entry
I slide right thru like how I do
This girl began to tempt me.
She said her name Shaiyeeda
I could tell her mama feed her
When they tight and when them jeans don’t fit
I’m L, nice to meet ya.
I could feel my body yearnin’
The room just started turnin’
Didn’t wanna go out on the floor
But this girl was so determined (Let’s dance)
My brain began to sizzle
I’m sweatin’ just a little
On the dance floor in the middle,
She turned around and giggled,
She said -

(Jennifer Lopez)
You got, you got, you got
What it takes to make me leave my man

(LL Cool J)
It’s hard to control myself
It’s hard to control myself
You got, you got, you got
What it takes to make this boy be bad
It’s hard to control myself
It’s hard to control myself

(Jennifer Lopez)
It’s hard for me to control myself
Get to hold myself
Back from
Jumpin’ on ya
Like I wanna,
Like I wanna, wanna.

(LL Cool J)
Temptation is a mother,
How we lust for one another
We barely know eachother
Yet we’re whilin’ like we’re lovers (uh huh)
The air is filled with passion
The strobe lights are flashin’
The hustlers throw cash n
The bar tender keeps splashin’
Her moves were so erotic
Her games were so hypnotic
I bet this girl could stop it
But she continued to pop it

You know I know you like it,
Let me hit you on your sidekick
Coz the after party is at my body,
Meet me, you’re invited

(Jennifer Lopez)
You got, you got, you got
What it takes to make me leave my man

(LL Cool J)
It’s hard to control myself
It’s hard to control myself
You got, you got, you got
What it takes to make this boy be bad
It’s hard to control myself
It’s hard to control myself

(Jennifer Lopez)
It’s hard for me to control myself
Get to hold myself
Back from
Jumpin’ on ya
Like I wanna,
Like I wanna, wanna.

She licked off
Her lipgloss
Her hips toss
Back and forth
Side to side and
Up and down
She touched the ground
It turned me out.
I’m battlin desire,
Lord help me douse this fire
This internal inferno,
Hotter than a shot of cuervo
Her top was short and purple
Belly dancin’ in a circle
When I feel like this I can’t resist
I ? don’t make me hurt you
She said -

(Jennifer Lopez)
You got, you got, you got
What it takes to make me leave my man

(LL Cool J)
It’s hard to control myself
It’s hard to control myself
You got, you got, you got
What it takes to make this boy be bad
It’s hard to control myself
It’s hard to control myself

(Jennifer Lopez)
It’s hard for me to control myself
Get to hold myself
Back from
Jumpin’ on ya
Like I wanna,
Like I wanna, wanna

Kimberly Caldwell - Killing Me Softly With His Song

Strumming my pain with his fingers
Singing my life with his words
Killing me softly with his song
Killing me softly with his song
Telling my life with his words
Killing me softly with his song

I heard he sang a good song
I heard he had a style
And so I came to see him to listen for awhile
And there he was this young boy, a stranger to my eyes

Strumming my pain with his fingers
Singing my life with his words
Killing me softly with his song
Killing me softly with his song
Telling my life with his words
Killing me softly with his song

I felt all flushed with fever
Embarrassed by the crowd
I felt he found my letters and read each out loud
I prayed that he would finish but he just kept right on

Strumming my pain with his fingers
Singing my life with his words
Killing me softly with his song
Killing me softly with his song
Telling my life with his words
Killing me softly with his song

He sang as if he knew me
In all my dark despair
And then he looked right through me as if I wasn’t there
And he just kept on singing
Singing clear and strong

Strumming my pain with his fingers
Singing my life with his words
Killing me softly with his song
Killing me softly with his song
Telling my life with his words
Killing me softly with his song

Kelly Clarkson - Because Of You

I will not make the same mistakes that you did
I will not let myself
Cause my heart so much misery
I will not break the way you did,
You fell so hard
I've learned the hard way
To never let it get that far

Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you
I am afraid

I lose my way
And it's not too long before you point it out
I cannot cry
Because you know that's weakness in your eyes
I'm forced to fake
A smile, a laugh everyday of my life
My heart can't possibly break
When it wasn't even whole to start with

Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you
I am afraid

I watched you die
I heard you cry every night in your sleep
I was so young
You should have known better than to lean on me
You never thought of anyone else
You just saw your pain
And now I cry in the middle of the night
For the same damn thing

Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you
I try my hardest just to forget everything
Because of you
I don't know how to let anyone else in
Because of you
I'm ashamed of my life because it's empty
Because of you
I am afraid

Because of you
Because of you

Janet Jackson (feat. Nelly) - Call On Me

[Janet Jackson]
I don't know if I've ever felt like this before
But I'm sure that the way I feel, I don't want it to go
'Cuz I've cried my share of tears
And I've sang my share of blues
But to keep you over here, I'll do what I got to do

[Janet Jackson]
So baby, call on me
Whether day or night, I'll never leave
See you don't have to be alone
I'll come anywhere you want
Baby just pick up the phone and call on me
[Janet Jackson & Nelly]
So you ain't know
I wanna be your homie, lover, friend
See there it go, see there it go

See I never met a girl that could break me down
It's like I get caught in the middle
I get caught up a little anytime that she's around
I be posted, waitin' on standby
Lookin' to catch the hint
I'm doin' whatever, whenever
Never forget I said I'd be here when you want
To get what you need, if you wanna recieve
Oh, please believe you could

[Janet Jackson]
Call on me whether day or night
I'll never leave
See you don't have to be alone
I'll come anywhere you want
Baby just pick up the phone and call on me
[Janet Jackson & Nelly]
So you ain't know
I wanna be your homie, lover, friend
See there it go, see there it go

[Janet Jackson]
Call on me
When ya need someone who cares
Say the words and I'll be there
I can meet you anywhere
Call on me
Anytime that you please
Babe, whatever you want
Be whatever you need
Because you're the one I love baby, yeah
[Janet Jackson]
Call on me whether day or night
I'll never leave
See you don't have to be alone
I'll come anywhere you want
Baby just pick up the phone and call on me
[Janet Jackson & Nelly]
So you ain't know
I wanna be your homie, lover, friend
See there it go, see there it go, mama

It don't matter where you go
I'll come anywhere you want me to

[Janet Jackson]
It don't matter near or far
It's like anything you say I'll do

[Janet Jackson & Nelly]
It don't matter where you go
I'll come anywhere you want me to
It don't matter near or far
It's like anything you say I'll do

Gwen Stefani feat Akon - The Sweet Escape

If I could escape I would but,
First of all, let me say
I must apologize for acting stank & treating you this way
Cause I've been acting like sour milk all on the floor
It's your fault you didn't shut the refrigerator
Maybe that's the reason I've been acting so cold?

If I could escape & recreate a place that's my own world
& I could be your favourite girl (forever), Perfectly together
Tell me boy now wouldn't that be sweet? (sweet escape)
If I could be sweet, I know I've been a real bad girl (I'll try to change)
I didn't mean for you to get hurt (whatsoever)
We can make it better, Tell me boy wouldn't that be sweet? (sweet escape)

I want to get away, to our sweet escape
I want to get away, yeah

You held me down, I'm at my lowest boiling point
Come help me out, I need to get me out of this joint
Come on let's bounce, counting on you to turn me around
Instead of clowning around, let's look for some common ground
So baby, times get a little crazy
I've been gettin' a little lazy, waitin' on you to come save me
I can see that you're angry by the way that you treat me
Hopefully you don't leave me, wanted you with me


Woohoo, Yeehoo
Woohoo, Yeehoo (If I could escape)
Woohoo, yeehoo (If I could escape)
Woohoo, Yeehoo

Cause I've been acting like sour milk all on the floor
It's your fault you didn't shut the refrigerator
Maybe that's the reason I've been acting so cold?


Woohoo, Yeehoo (I wanna get away, get away)
Woohoo, Yeehoo (To our sweet escape)
Woohoo, Yeehoo (I wanna get away)
Woohoo, Yeehoo (Yeah)
Woohoo, Yeehoo
Woohoo, Yeehoo